First Workshop of the Project
The first workshop of the ADAPTACLIMA Project was held on the 6th July 2011.
The workshop was opened by João Fidalgo, the President of the EPAL Water Supply Company. Professor Filipe Duarte Santos, from Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (FCUL), presented an introduction to the project and to climate change impact studies. Then, Rita Jacinto (from CCIAM - http://www.sim.ul.pt/cciam/ - FCUL) presented the methodology and the results of the second task of the project that produced Socioeconomic Scenarios for Portugal and especially for the area where EPAL operates. This presentation was followed of a debate. After the coffee break, the second part started with a presentation about the first task of the project - Climate Scenarios. Mário Pulquério (from CCIAM - http://www.sim.ul.pt/cciam/ - FCUL) presented the methodology and the results of the downscaled Climate Scenarios for the study area until 2100. Afterwards, Nuno Grosso (from CCIAM - http://www.sim.ul.pt/cciam/ - FCUL) presented the Next steps of the project and the workshop was ended with a debate.First Workshop - News published in the journal Águas Livres
Amsterdam International Water Week
The ADAPTACLIMA-EPAL/CCIAM team presented a poster (Poster) and an article (Poster; (Presentation ) in the Young Scientists Workshop in Amsterdam International Water Week, November 2011. The team also participated on build um a vision for Water chellengs of Urbanization ( Summary presentation of the Young Scientists workshop). At the same event took place in parallel, a video contest on the theme "Tracing the Journey of a Drinking Water Drop" (Winner Tracing the Journey of a Drinking Water Drop ).
Second Workshop of the Project
The ADAPTACLIMA-EPAL Project has had its’ second workshop on the 22nd of May 2012, under the subject “Impacts of Climate Change in water resources quality and availability in the EPAL area of action”. The workshop had 40 participants, including members of the project research teams and from EPAL.
The workshop had two parts. Firstly, there were presentations by the project research teams from the Universities of Aveiro, Nova de Lisboa and Instituto Superior Técnico, that are responsible for modeling superficial water availability, quality, salt water wedge and underground water resources. In the afternoon, the participants were divided in four working groups to discuss the implications of the impacts presented during the morning. In each working group there was space for debating with one team expert and with the support of one member of the CCIAM team and another member from GAC-EPAL.This workshop resulted on the consolidation of the preliminary results from the impact assessments and their implications for the EPAL system, as well as on opportunities that were identified; there was also space to identify other exploratory scenarios that may be integrated on the ongoing modeling tasks.